Evan Levi

Evan Almighty

webevan9422I was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming in October, 1987. Two months later, my family relocated to Laramie and hasn’t left. Nearly every athletic experience I have has been above 7000’. I spent my youth riding mountain bikes off the University of Wyoming’s campus stairs, rocks and ledges. I have played soccer on fields all along the Rocky Mountains. I like to think I have Wyoming deep in my veins, and I’m stoked I get to spend time in this athletic venture with good wholesome Wyomingites.

My experience in CrossFit is brief compared to many, but in a short span of time,
I feel a part of the CrossFit nation. I started in April, 2012, after a friend houndedwebEvan9465
me for months. Being an avid Crossfitter, he thought I would benefit physically and mentally. It took persistence on his part, but after my first few weeks, I was fully committed. After the first few months of WOD after WOD, I started to really feel at home. CrossFit 7220 has this fantastic vibe, and I am so excited to play/WOD/learn
with my friends and family.

Outside of the box, I like to paint acrylic paintings. I have been fortunate enough to sell some pieces and afford to practice my craft. I blame CrossFit, but I now feel very
driven to get better. I like the artwork I produce, but I want to try and set new PR’s for all my skills. The time I get to spend painting is spent at high intensity.

 Related Courses/Degrees/Certifications:

  • Crossfit Level 1 Trainer
  • CPR/AED Certified

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